So last I looked I had 433 followers on Newgrounds and I was planning to do a stream to celebrate 500
And now I'm at 722 and rapidly approaching 800
Well shit!
Hi all you new folks! Pleasure to meetcha!
I'll be uploading art real soon, right now I'm making a big-ass art pack with over 3,000 images in it that'll be up on my Patreon, link to that's in my sidebar there.
<--- That way.
It's a backup of all 3,000+ images I've posted to Tumblr over the last 6 years, plus some that have never been seen by the internet. It'll all be available for $1 or higher supporters of my batrion.
Once that's good and posted I'll start getting to posting regularly here. I got quite a lot of pictures!
I love you all.